Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morir Sonando (Dreamy Orange Juice)

Here is an interesting drink that I found in The World Cookbook for Students.  Here is an excerpt from the book that describes this refreshing drink from the Dominican Republic.
This orange drink literally means ‘‘to die dreaming’’ Serve after a meal or at any time as a refreshing drink. Dominicans like their juice very sweet: you may wish to omit the sugar. The original recipe calls for evaporated milk, a canned product that keeps better in the tropics. As its name suggests, evaporated milk is milk with its water content reduced (or evaporated), and thus thicker and with a higher fat content than fresh milk. The fresh equivalent is cream or half-and-half (half cream, half milk). If you use fresh cream, make sure to scald it first to avoid curdling.
Morir Sonando
(Dreamy Orange Juice)

  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 2 cups evaporated milk, scalded cream, or half-and-half cooled
  • 3 cups orange juice
  • 4 tall glasses or water goblets (to hold 8 ounces)
  • ice cubes (optional)
  1. Stir the sugar into the milk until dissolved, and chill.
  2. Chill each glass in the freezer until frosted.
  3. Place ice cubes into glasses.
  4. Pour milk halfway into each glass.
  5. Add orange juice, stirring constantly.
  6. Serve at once.

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